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As Canada's wildfires intensify, recruiting firefighters is tougher

By Elias Herrera
Published in Weather News
June 24, 2023
1 min read
As Canada's wildfires intensify, recruiting firefighters is tougher

Canada is currently facing an intense wildfire season, and with it comes the challenge of recruiting enough firefighters to combat the blazes. As reported by CBC News, some provinces have seen a decrease in the number of volunteers due to the COVID-19 pandemic, while others are struggling to train and equip new recruits in time for the peak fire season. The article notes that wildfires have become more frequent, severe, and complex in recent years, which requires more advanced training and equipment for firefighters. Additionally, the pandemic has added new safety protocols and logistical challenges to firefighting efforts. The lack of available resources and manpower highlights the growing need to address climate change and invest in fire prevention measures. As the article states, “we can’t continue to rely on heroic efforts alone” to combat wildfires. Instead, there must be a commitment to long-term solutions that prioritize forest management, community preparedness, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The article concludes that the current wildfire season serves as a reminder of the urgent need to address the impact of climate change on our environment and our communities.

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Elias Herrera

Elias Herrera

Lifestyle Columnist

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July 10, 2023
2 min

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