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Climate Activism—Not Climate Change—Is the Real Racist Force.

By Owen Galvez
Published in Climate Change
June 13, 2023
1 min read
Climate Activism—Not Climate Change—Is the Real Racist Force.

So, I read this article that really took me by surprise. It’s called “Climate Activism—Not Climate Change—Is the Real Racist Force,” and it got me thinking about how much society has been focusing on climate change, but not the real issue of racism.

Basically, the article argues that climate change, while important, has allowed people to overlook systemic racism and its impact on marginalized communities. By framing climate change as the biggest threat to our planet, it ignores how people of color are disproportionately affected by environmental issues such as air pollution and toxic waste. The article also suggests that some climate activists, by advocating for policies that harm these communities, are perpetuating racist ideas under the guise of saving the planet.

Personally, I have seen how environmental racism affects people in my own community. The poorest neighborhoods often have the worst air quality, which leads to increased rates of asthma and respiratory problems. It’s a real shame that some people are more focused on saving the polar bears than taking care of their own fellow human beings.

Overall, the article really opened my eyes to how we need to prioritize addressing racism in our society, especially in regards to environmental issues. It’s not enough to just focus on climate change without also considering the intersecting effects of racism and other forms of oppression. We need to make sure that our solutions are truly equitable and just for all people, not just the ones with the loudest voices.

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Owen Galvez

Owen Galvez

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